Frank D. Young
November 8, 1909 - September 14, 1989
Biographical Sketch Of Frank D. Young
Frank D. Young was born November 8, 1909 in Nashville, Tennessee. He was baptized by Jesse P. Sewell in September, 1924. He was married to Gracie Nichols, the daughter of Gus and Matilda Nichols, May 3, 1939. They had two children Paul D. and Janet Kay.
Brother Young began preaching at River Road Church of Christ in Nashville, Tennessee in September, 1933. He received his formal training at Freed-Hardeman College and Cumberland University. During his preaching career he served churches at Scottsboro, Kentucky - 1936-1938; Hartsville, Tennessee - 1940-1942; Memphis, Tennessee - 1943-1946; Carthage, Tennessee - 1946-1955, & in Bremen, Georgia.
He did radio work for several years and a number of different places. He did a good bit of mission work and held several gospel meetings each year. He helped to establish a number of congregations, among them was the Carthage, Tennessee work after they lost their property to a digressive movement. This was in the county where he was reared.
He is buried in the Walker Memorial Cemetery in Jasper, Alabama.
Frank D. Young
" . . . make known unto you, the beloved brother and faithful minister and fellow-servant in the Lord." (Col. 4: 7.)
Frank D. Young was born near Nashville, Tenn., November 8, 1909. He remembers the first gospel preacher that he ever heard, and remembers his subject. The preacher was L. L. Yeagley, who went to his father's home and preached on "The Conversion of the Eunuch." His mother was converted in this meeting. He was baptized in September, 1924.
Brother Young finished high school in 1927. From 1929 to 1934 he was associated with the Commerce Union Bank, of Nashville, Tenn. He attended Freed-Hardeman College, 1934-1936. Later he studied in Cumberland University, Lebanon, Tenn.
Brother Young has done local work at Scottsville, Ky.; Humble, Texas; and Hartsville, Tenn. He will beg in local work with the Seventh and Bethel congregation, Memphis, Tenn., in January, 1943. He has conducted meetings in Tennessee, Texas, Arkansas, Mississippi, Alabama, Louisiana, Kentucky, and Indiana. On May 3, 1939, Brother Young was married to Miss Gracie Nichols, daughter of Gus Nichols, Jasper, Ala.
-H. Leo Boles, Gospel Advocate, Nov. 12, 1942, p.1088
From Birmingham, Alabama head northwest on Hwy 78 toward Memphis. About 40 miles from Birmingham you will arrive in Jasper, Alabama. In Jasper you will need to take the Hwy 5 exit. Proceed up the ramp and turn right on Hwy 5 (Ninth Ave.) About 3/10ths of a mile Hwy 5 will bear to the left toward Haleyville. Continue to the left on Hwy. 5 for about a mile and the Walker Memory Garden Cemetery will be on your right. Go into the cemetery and approach the cemetery office. From the cemetery office head further into the cemetery bearing to the left. As the road curves back to the right toward the back of the cemetery Brother and Sister Young are buried under a tree just to the right.
GPS Location
Gracie Nichols Young
April 27, 1915
February 27, 2007