Thomas Byron Nesbit
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Report Of The Death Of Thomas Nesbit In The Evangelist, p.559
Reported by Alan Chatterton, Nesbit's son-in-law.
Directions To The Grave Of Thomas B. Nesbit
The grave of Thomas Nesbit is located near Bloomington, Indiana in the township of Richland. Heading west out of Bloomington on Hwy. 48 (W. 3rd St.). Go a few miles and the church is on the left. If you pass W. Vernal Pike you just missed it. The church is on the highway, and the grave is in the cemetery across the creek up behind the building on the hill.
GPS Location
39° 10.006' x W -86° 39.642' - Acc. 16'
Note green arrow below for exact location.
The Church of Christ - Richland
Est. 1824
Note cemetery in the distance behind out building.
In Memory of
Thomas Nesbit
Who Brought The Church
To The Area
By Noal Byers Burch
First Log Building Stood Here
Abram, Foster, Baker, Mathers,
Burks, Morris, Bray, Nesbit,
Byers, Renard, Coffee, Rice
Early Followers
Wife Of Thos. Nesbit
July 20, 1767
Married: Dec. 11, 1790
Oct. 4, 1854
We Unite In Hope On The Promise Given
We Shall Meet Again In Our Home In Heaven
Elder Thos. Nesbit
Sept. 12, 1861
92 Yrs. 5 Mo's. & 2 Days.
Remember Man As You Pass By
As You Are Man, So Once Was I
As I Am Now So Must You Be
Prepare To Die And Follow Me
Hence: Birthdate was: April 10, 1769