Elder Joel Anderson
Elder Joel Anderson - Obituary
Departed this life at his residence in Williamson Co., Tenn., on the 30th day of December, 1852, our much venerated brother in Christ, Joel Anderson, aged 71 years and four months. Father Anderson was a native of Cumberland Co., Virginia, whence he emigrated to Davidson Co., Tenn., in 1809, and afterward to Williamson County, where he resided until the time of his death.
Previous to the 19th year of his age, he became a member of the Baptist Church, in which he labored a zealous and influential minister for many years. Upon the first promulgation of the Ancient Gospel in Tennessee, as proclaimed by the reformation, he, with several others, embraced it, and united together as a congregation at Friendship, in this county, of which he continued a faithful, unwavering, and highly useful member until his death.
Strict integrity, and high moral worth, formed the prominent features of his character through life; and in the church, of which he had no ideal, or a pseudo member, but a consistent and faithful servant of Christ. Truly may it be said of him, that his death was a correct exemplification of the good man’s end. His conduct and conversation, his exhortations and admonitions to his family, relatives and friends, in his last illness, bore the most ample testimony that he had lost no time in the acquisition of every trait of character which constitutes the soldier of Christ. And now that he had met his last earthly enemy (according to the promise of his great leader,) he quailed not, but stood firm, evincing no symptom of fear, yielding a ready obedience to the law of Nature, decreed by Nature’s God, “To him, to die, was gain.” A kind husband, an affectionate parent, and a devoted Christian, he has gone to that rest, prepared for the people of
God. Surely he shall reap his reward. - -
With all his name shall honor live,
Through long successive years;
Embalmed in all that we can give,
Our praises, and our tears.”
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Directions To The Grave Of Joel Anderson
Joel Anderson is buried in a heavily wooded area near Franklin, Tennessee. The cemetery is old and on private property. Permission should be sought to access the cemetery. The address is at 4339 Long Lane, Franklin, TN, 37064.
From Nashville: Head south on I-65 to Exit 61 (Hwy.248) Turn left (east) and take the first left on Long Lane. Follow the road back to a hard right, and go less than a mile to #4339. Turn right into a long unpaved driveway. Follow the road across the cattle-grate until reaching the property. Park near the garage, and walk to the house and ask permission to go visit the Anderson Cemetery. She was very generous when your webeditor visited. From the front porch head into the wooded area just below, to the east of the house. You will see the cemetery there. The actual GPS location of the grave is: 35°51'41.1"N 86°48'53.6"W / or D.d. 35.861407,-86.814877
From Farm House, Graveyard Is Under Trees In The Distance
Scott Harp & C. Wayne Kilpatrick Had To Life The Heavy Broken Top Of Anderson Marker To Put In Place
C. Wayne Kilpatrick Beside The Grave Of Elder Joel Anderson
To the memory
of our dear mother
Sarah D. Anderson
Born 5th Nov. 1784
Died 7th Nov. 1844
God who was her only trust,
Regards with care her sleeping
To the memory
our dear father,
Eld. Joel Anderson
Born 31st Aug. 1781
Died 30th Dec'r. 1852.
Blessed and holy is he
that hath part in the
first resurrection on
such, the second death
hath no power.
Special Thanks
In May, 2010, C. Wayne Kilpatrick, Tom L. Childers, and Scott Harp traveled into middle Tennessee and located the grave of Joel Anderson. The photos were taken by all three and added for your enjoyment on this site.
Webpage produced 03.2016 / updated in 09.07.2020
Photos taken 05.2010