Ova Lester North
O.L. North Is At Rest
When O. L. North of Lawrenceburg, Tenn., passed away on February 19, 1975, at the age of eightyone years, a not her long-time servant of the Lord, Alvand C. Dunkleberger, for many years an elder at Madison church of Christ, was moved to write the editorial masterpiece printed below.
Editor of The Nashville Banner for a long period of time until his retirement two years ago, A. C. Dunkleberger has written thousands of editorials. His close association with O. L. North's son, Ira North, the beloved minister of Madison church of Christ, inspired him to write this editorial.
To his tribute, I would like to add my own. I knew and loved O. L. North through my close association with his son, a close personal friend and former associate in teaching the Bible at David Lipscomb College, and I can endorse every statement made by the writer of the editorial.
Throughout his eighty-one years, O. L. North was privileged to live in a home in which the GOSPEL ADVOCATE was a regular and welcome visitor. His father, Ira North, took the ADVOCATE during the years when David Lipscomb was the editor and once wrote to David Lipscomb: "Brother Lipscomb, your writings breathe the spirit of the Master."
The following editorial is given as it came from the pen of Alvand C. Dunkleberger:
"Grandson of a gospel preacher, son of a gospel preacher, father of a gospel preacher, to few men come the distinction marking the life of Brother O. L. North in respect of blood ties interwoven with spiritual ties. His life was a link in the golden chain of Christianity spanning and serving generations.
"His was a stature of character recognized and respected by all who knew him ... and many knew him because the very length of his life extended the breadth of that acquaintance.
"Brother North Senior was an unpretentious man. There was no affectation about him. The genuineness of his life reflected in all he did in a long walk among men: in his daily associations, in business activities or civic aifars, in church work. His was a fundamentalism resting on the solid rock, from which he refused to swerve on any pretext. In no phase of his life was it better illustrated than in his religious convictions which were, from childhood, the anchor of his soul and of every hope he entertained.
"Brother North loved the church in the same measure he loved his family-without degree. It was an allegiance everlasting.
"He loved his country, and honored its uniform-which he wore with pride and courage in World War I. His patriotism was instinctive as was the sense of duty born of it and the Americanism he personified. In his citizenship as in his Christianity, integrity was the measuring rod of character. And by that standard he lived.
"He loved his Lord and his gospel, and those who ministered in that Word. Blessed with a life companion cast in the same mold of Christian character and tender devotion, theirs has been a home of hospitality. They have entertained strangers, and, doubtless, angels unaware. Together, theirs was the gift of giving the world a notable preacher-whose career has been the pride and joy of their life.
"Brother North Senior—and his good wife—loved Madison, and Madison reciprocated.
"Madison shares the bereavement of Ira North and family in the departure of Brother North Senior from the mortal scene. But it rejoices with them in the much they find to rejoice about in the life, the service, the precious memories- yea, even the triumphant passing -of this great and good and gentle man. He was a noble man, indeed, by the infallible standard of the Lord's own measurement."
-Willard Collins, Gospel Advocate, April 3, 1975, page 218,219
Directions To The Grave Of O.L. North
O.L. North is buried in the home of his birth, Etheridge, Tennessee, about five miles north of the west-central town of Lawrenceburg. From the Hwy. 64 and Hwy. 43 intersection travel north on Hwy.43 6.0 miles. You should see the Etheridge, Church of Christ just ahead on the left. Just before the church building you will turn left On Main St. The first road to the right will lead into the church parking lot. The second will lead you to the first entrance of the cemetery where you will see the sign, Allen Cemetery. Do not enter the first entrance, go further over to the second entrance (third road from highway) and turn right into the cemetery. Go about 500ft. into the cemetery, just before a cross street and look to your right (east) five rows. The North grave is facing toward the west. Nearby is the grave of O.L.'s son, Ira North.
35°19'28.8"N 87°17'44.6"W
or D.d. 35.324667,-87.295727
Accuracy To Within 23'
Facing West
Maye Lutts North
December 22, 1899
June 12, 1976