Grave Locations Of Restoration Movement Leaders In
North Carolina
Below Is An Incomplete List Of Leaders In The Restoration Movement Now Deceased Whose Remains Have Been Located And Kept On Record For Future Restoration Study. Photos And The Locations Are Sketchy. As Further Investigation Comes To Light, Updates Of Photos And Directions To Locations Will Be Made. Some Of The Names Listed Below Represent A "Wish-List" Of Graves I Hope To Visit Someday. If You Would Care To Assist In Producing Pages For Any Listed Below, Contact Me And Ask How You Can Help! For A Complete Listing Of Pages That Have Been Produced See The Master Index
Note: Most of the North Carolina Preachers Mentioned Below Came From The Book, The Life And Times of John T. Walsh, M.D.
Sorted By Name
Allen, Gideon (1817-1891) Pitt County
Ambrose, Hilary H.
Ayres, John Stanley (07.13.1883-06.25.1943) Hamilton, Martin County, Hamilton Cemetery (Find-A-Grave)
Battle, Amos Johnston (01.11.1805-09.24.1870) Wilson, Wilson County, Maplewood Cemetery (Find-A-Grave)
Bond, Robert - Senoir County, buried at his home
Bowen, Henry Cleophas "H.C." (07.26.1858-06.20.1915) Catherine Lake, Onslow County, John Peter Fox Cemetery (Find-A-Grave)
Bland, Joseph H. (12.18.1829-08.15.1893) Chatham County, New Elam Christian Church Cemetery, Plot: Row 2, GPS 35.66191,-79.04285 (Find-A-Grave) (bio in Memoirs of Deceased Ministers, E.W. Humphreys, c.1880, p.61)
Burns, Joshua Lawrence "J.L.", (10.15.1826-05.20.1904) Robersonville, Martin County, Old (First Town) Robersonville Cemetery (Find-A-Grave)
Caldwell, David (1725-1824)
Buffalo Presbyterian Cemetery, Greensboro
Caldwell, Jesse Cobb
Cason, Henry D.
Chestnutt, Isaac Lamar (08.02.1851-07.18.1907) died in Fredricksburg, Virginia (sketch in Disc.of NC,Ware, p195) Could be buried in Kinston, Lenoir County, NC -
Clifton, John L.
Cobb, W.H.
Coltrain, J.J.
Congleton, Abraham A. "Abram" (????-????) Beaufort, Carteret County, Live Oak Christian Church Cemetery (Find-A-Grave)
Crosslin, John Ellis (5.2.1921-5.2.2005) Mount Airy, Surrey County, Oakdale Cemetery (Find-A-Grave)
Darnall, Robert Louis (08.03.1924-01.03.2009) Mocksville, Davie County, Rose Cemetery (Find-A-Grave)
Davis, D.W.
Davis, Jesse T.
Davis, S.L.
Davis, W.M.
Dillahunt, J.H.
Dunn, John Patrick
Dupree, John
Fulsher, W.R.
Gaylord, John B. - Kinston, buried in the old Christian Church Yard near river Neuse - unmarked
Grubbs, J. T.
Gurganus, J.G.
Gurganus, J.M.
Gurganus, John W.
Harper, Dr. Henry D. (brother to J.J. Harper)
Harper, J.J. (State of N.C. Senator/Preacher)
Hart, A.C.
Hardison, S.W.
Henderson, J.S.
Hines, Peter E.
Holton, A.J., Pamlico County
Hood, N.B.
Howard, Curtis W.
Jackson, George W.
Jones, Irvin
Joyner, George
Lee, Charles Edward
Latham, Josephus
Latham, Thomas J.
Leggett, John A.
Mason, Thomas D.
Miller, D.H.
Moye, Moses T., Wilson, (Graduate of Bethany College)
Nobles, Wiley P. (grandfather of I.L. Chestnutt & his sister Almeda Nobles Chestnutt Sager (09.08.1863-01.12.1948 missionary to Chicashaw, Ok)
O'Kelley, James (1738-1826) Durham, Family Cemetery
Parrott, Benjamin
Parsons, James B.
Payne, Earnest Clifford (01.05.1931-10.11.2014) High Point, Guilford County, Floral Garden Memorial Park, GPS: 35.944254, -80.023721, (Find-A-Grave)
Roebuck, T.
Smith, Henry
Sowers, E.L.
Stancill, R.W. - Attended the College of the Bible
Stilly, C. C.
Sumrell, Samuel W.
Tingle, J. R.
Trotman, Q.H.
Walsh, Dr. John Tomline (02.15.1816-08.06.1886) Kinston, Lenoir County, Maplewood Cemetery
Warner, Martin Van (1.16.1840-7.5.1919) Clemmons, Forsyth County, Warners Chapel Church of Christ Cemetery (Find-A-Grave) *lp
Warren, A.O.
Wilson, Virgil A.
Winfield, Henry
Winfield, James Latham, New Berne, - Attended the College of the Bible, editor of The Watch Tower,
Winfield, John R.
Sorted By City
Beaufort, Carteret County
Abraham A. "Abram" Congleton (????-????) Live Oak Christian Church Cemetery (Find-A-Grave)
Catherine Lake, Onslow County
Henry Cleophas "H.C." Bowen, (07.26.1858-06.20.1915) John Peter Fox Cemetery (Find-A-Grave)
Chatham County
Joseph H. Bland (12.18.1829-08.15.1893) New Elam Christian Church Cemetery, Plot: Row 2, GPS 35.66191,-79.04285 (Find-A-Grave) (bio in Memoirs of Deceased Ministers, E.W. Humphreys, c.1880, p.61)
Clemmons, Forsyth County
Martin Van Warner (1.16.1840-7.5.1919) Warners Chapel Church of Christ Cemetery (Find-A-Grave) *lp
James O'Kelley (1738-1826) Family Cemetery
Farmville, Pitt County
Gideon Allen (1817-1891)
David Caldwell (1725-1824)
Buffalo Presbyterian Cemetery
Hamilton, Martin County
John Stanley Ayres (07.13.1883-06.25.1943) Hamilton Cemetery (Find-A-Grave)
High Point, Guilford County,
Earnest Clifford Payne (01.05.1931-10.11.2014) Floral Garden Memorial Park, GPS: 35.944254, -80.023721, (Find-A-Grave)
Kinston, Lenoir County
John B. Gaylord - buried behind old Christian Church, near Neuse River. unmarked grave
Dr. John Tomline Walsh (02.15.1816-08.06.1886) Maplewood Cemetery
Mocksville, Davie County
Robert Louis Darnall (08.03.1924-01.03.2009) Rose Cemetery (Find-A-Grave)
Mount Airy, Surrey County
John Ellis Crosslin (5.2.1921-5.2.2005) Oakdale Cemetery (Find-A-Grave)
New Berne
J.L. Winfield - Attended the College of the Bible
Pamlico County
J.L. Burns
A.J. Holton
Robersonville, Martin County
Joshua Lawrence "J.L." Burns (10.15.1826-05.20.1904) Old (First Town) Robersonville Cemetery (Find-A-Grave)
Senoir County
Robert Bond - Buried at his home
Wilson, Wilson County
Moses T. Moye
(Graduate of Bethany College)
Amos Johnston Battle (01.11.1805-09.24.1870) Maplewood Cemetery (Find-A-Grave)
Preachers With Unknown Burial Locations
Stanley Ayres
Amos Battle
H.C. Bowen
Henry D. Cason
Isaac L. Chestnutt, grandson of Wiley Noble
John L. Clifton
W.H. Cobb
J.J. Coltrain
Abram Congleton
D.W. Davis
J.T. Davis
S.L. Davis
W.M. Davis
J.H. Dillahunt
John P. Dunn
John Dupree
D.V. Etheridge
W.R. Fulsher
J.G. Gurganus
J.M. Gurganus
John W. Gurganus
S.W. Hardison
Dr. Henry D. Harper (brother to J.J. Harper)
J.J. Harper (State Senator in N.C.)
A.C. Hart
Peter E. Hines
N.B. Hood
C.W. Howard
George W. Jackson
Irvin Jones
George Joyner
J.S Henderson
Josephus Latham
Thomas J. Latham
John A. Leggett
D.H. Miller
Wiley Nobles (grandfather of Isaac L. Chestnutt)
Benjamin Parrott
James B. Parsons
T. Roebuck
Henry Smith
E.L. Sowers
R.W. Stancill
- Attended the College of the Bible
Q.H. Trotman
A.O. Warren
John R. Winfield
Henry Winfield
Virgil A. Wilson