Dudley Brown Haile
Biographical Sketch On The Life Of D. B. Haile
The work of the Lord has been carried into new territory by leaders-men and women who had a clear conception of the teachings of the New Testament and who had consecrated their lives to the church of God. Pioneers planted the cause and others perpetuated it. Paul planted, Apollos watered; but God gave the increase. The pioneer preachers planted the cause of Christ in different communities, and others watered, but God has multiplied the congregations until now they are numerous.
Among those who planted the cause in Jackson County, Tennessee, was John Newton Mulkey. He did much pioneer work in Gainesboro and other sections of Jackson County. At one time he came to Flynn's Lick and preached the gospel. There were no members of the body of Christ in that section at that time. Among those who accepted the truth was Dudley Brown Haile. Brother Haile had been reared as a Methodist. In fact, in his early days he had gone into the Methodist Church. He knew no better, as he had not studied the New Testament and had accepted what the preachers taught at that time. He was devout and earnest in his religious activities. He was pious, and his heart yearned to honor the Savior of his soul, but he did not know how to worship him or to serve him. J. N. Mulkey taught him the way of the Lord more perfectly.
Dudley B. Haile was born in Jackson County, Tennessee, May 31, 1820. He was the son of Amon and Lockey Brown Haile. There were no advantages for schooling in that county when he grew up. He had no education in the common acceptation of that word. However, he was by no means an ignorant young man. Nature endowed him with a strong intellect and a very retentive memory. He acquired much learning from older people with whom he loved to associate, and he read eagerly what few books he could get, and withal became a well-informed man. On March 7, 1841, he was married to Miss Julia Richmond, and to this union ten children were born. He was industrious and economical. He never spent any idle moments, neither did he loiter about in his community. He wasted no time, neither did he waste any of his substance. With good judgment, coupled with his industry and economy, he soon acquired enough means to live comfortably. He was what was called "well-to do" in his county. It is doubtful that he ever squandered any money or even wasted a penny. With these traits of character, he supported well his family and had means to help those who were in need. He was ever ready to help the poor, relieve the distressed, and comfort the sorrowing. When he became a Christian, he was baptized by J. J. Trott, who was preaching with Brother John N. Mulkey at that time. Soon after he was baptized there was a need for some one to teach others. Brother Haile began to teach his neighbors and soon developed into a splendid gospel preacher. Most of his preaching was done in Jackson County, Tennessee, and adjoining counties. Brother Haile preached daily by words and life. He could preach far better around the fireside and in private homes than he could publicly. He was a very acceptable public proclaimer of the gospel, yet his power was in his private teachings. There were very few homes in Jackson County in which Brother Haile did not attempt to teach the word of God. There were very few homes which were Christian that he had not been instrumental in persuading some member of the family to become a Christian. He was very diligent in this line of work.
Brother Haile was spiritual-minded and his thoughts dwelt much upon Bible subjects. He studied the Bible daily and learned much of its contents. It was reported of him that frequently while asleep he would sing praises to God and quote Scriptures. He did a great work in exhorting his brethren and sisters to walk worthily of the calling wherewith they had been called. Brother Haile was an industrious and successful farmer and made a comfortable living on his farm; hence, he did not expect, neither did he receive, anything scarcely from the churches for his preaching. Oftentimes when the brethren would give him a little money for his services, he would hand this to some other preacher or give it to some one in the community who was in need of help. Brother Haile earnestly contended for the faith in the face of all opposition. He loved the truth, and he was bold and fearless in his public proclamation of the truth. He was a modest man, yet he was not ashamed to go into any home and introduce the subject of Christianity in that home. He was pleasing in his conversation and never offensive to any one. His earnestness and humility commended him even to those who opposed him religiously.
Brother Haile stood aloof from all human organizations. He believed the church to be the only God-ordained institution, and he gave to it all the loyalty of his loving heart. He followed closely the injunction, "Owe no man anything." He was faithful in meeting his obligations to his fellow men both in word and in deed. He never owed a penny that he did not pay. Oftentimes those who owed him would not pay him, but he handled the situation as best he could without going to law. He never went to law with any one and never meddled in the affairs of others. He studied the one Book, the Bible, and he preached that. He read his Bible and the Gospel Advocate. This was about all the reading that he did after he began preaching. He was a "one-book" preacher. He knew the plan of salvation well and preached it with clearness and force. He knew the duties of a Christian, and with tenderness and earnestness he taught his brethren and sisters.
He was methodical and businesslike in all of his dealings. He made distribution of his property and money among his children as he thought would be proper and right and thus closed out his own business. He did not want an administrator of his estate, but thought that, since God had blessed him with much substance, he was responsible for a proper distribution of it. This was a splendid lesson to be taught to others. Brother Haile was not anxious about the cares of this world. His citizenship was in heaven, and he lived with sweet anticipation of enjoying the bliss in glory. Many churches in Jackson County still feel the good influence of his life and have been strengthened by his teachings.
Brother Haile even made arrangements for his funeral services. He gave instruction just what should be said. Among other things, he said: "Do not represent me as being without fault, for I have my faults." He was conscious of his weakness in the flesh and the many mistakes that he had made. He wanted no eulogy or praise for what he had done in life. He died at his home at Flynn's Lick, in Jackson County, Tennessee, June 5, 1905. He was buried in the Richmond cemetery, not very far from his home. Among those who have helped to make the churches of Christ what they are in Jackson County, no one labored more unselfishly than did D. B. Haile.
—From Biographical Sketches Of Gospel Preachers, H. Leo Boles, Gospel Advocate Company, Nashville, Tennessee, 1932, pages 192-195
Obituary of Dudley B. Haile
Brother Dudley B. Hail, son of Arnon and Lockey Hail, of Jackson County, Tenn., was born on May 31, 1820, and died on June 5, 1905. He was married to Sister Julian Richman on March 7, 1841, who died on April 22, 1888; and to them ten children were born. He obeyed the gospel under the preaching of Brother Newton Mulkey and was baptized by Brother Trott in 1862. He had been a minister of the gospel for about thirty years. Brother Hail was a daily preacher by both words and deeds. He could preach better privately than publicly. There are few homes of the Christian persuasion in this county that he had not visited, instructed, and strengthened, time and again, in the good and right way. He seemed to be spiritually-minded, as frequently in his sleep he would sing, quote the scriptures, and exhort the brethren and sisters to walk with God; but when he would awake, he would know nothing of his worship. The writer has witnessed this of Brother Hail often. Brother Hail was an industrious and successful farmer, and made a good and comfortable living; he reared an intelligent and good family of sons and daughters, and taught them the will of God as best he could. He earnestly contended for the faith with one and all as he understood it; he kept his promises well by paying his debts; he lived a sober, quiet, Christian life; he preached the gospel freely without church support, and claimed for his· only rule of faith and practice the word of God; he separated himself from the world and from its human organizations; and when those indebted to him did not pay him, he handled it as best he could without a lawsuit. He has more than once, after the brethren had given to him and to the writer money for a protracted meeting given his share to the w1iter, saying: "Please accept this, as I have my family raised, and you have not." He was a one-book (Bible) preacher, and had been a close reader of the Bible and the Gospel Advocate for many years. He made distribution of his property and money among his children as he thought to be right, and thus wound up his own business. He requested the writer to talk at his burial and selected the scripture to be read, and said: "Do not represent me as being without fault, for I have my faults." His body was laid to rest in Richman Cemetery, on Flynn's Creek, in Jackson County, in the presence of a large crowd of relatives, friends, and brethren in the Lord.
Hiram Pharris, Gainesboro, Tenn.
-Gospel Advocate, June 29, 1905, page 411.
Directions To The Grave Of D.B. Haile
Dudley Brown Haile is buried in the Cumberland Hills in the Northeast part of central Tennessee in Jackson County's Richmond Cemetery. One of the most beautiful settings for a cemetery is the location of this final resting place for people in that area. It sits on the side of a mountain, and from anywhere in the cemetery one can look out to see other mountains in the near distance. The area is very old and yet simply pristine. To get there traveling on I-40 take Exit 280 Baxter/Gainesboro (Hwy. 56) and head north. Go about fourteen miles and come into Gainesboro. Turn left on Hwy. 53 (Hill St.) Go through the square and head out of town over the mountain on Hwy. 53. You will go about 6.5 miles before coming to the cemetery. In the process you will pass through Flynn's Lick. When you cross the Flynns Creek bridge you are about 1/2 mile away. Travel up the steep hill and the Richmond Cemetery is on the left. Only one road leads down into the cemetery. Travel down nearly to the section of the cemetery that has trees. Look for a section that has four little columns (about 2ft. high) on four corners of it. Go over from the columned area toward the center of the cemetery and you will see the Haile graves facing east. After visiting the grave be sure to take in the beautiful setting of this North Tennessee cemetery.
GPS Coordinates
36º 17.971' x WO85º 42.737'
or D.d. 36.299506,-85.712247
Accuracy to 18ft
Graves Face East
View Larger Map
Richmond Cemetery: in the beautiful hills of North Tennessee
Looking from Haile grave back to the road
Dudley B. Haile
May 31, 1820
June 5, 1903
*Original Stone Recorded As Follows:
Dudley B. Haile
Father Of Frank & James Haile
May 31, 1820
June 5, 1906
Julian Hail
Mother Of
Frank & James
Feb. 10, 1825
April 22,1888
*Note: Stone shows that D.B. Haile died June 5, 1803. However according to Jackson County Cemetery Records, the original marker read That he died June 5, 1906. H. Leo Boles said that he died June 5, 1905. This is probably due to the report sent in by Hiram Pharris in 1905 (contents above). To make it more difficult to ascertain, a visit to the court house September 5, 2003 revealed that all the death records in Jackson County, Tennessee were destroyed before 1927 in a fire. So unless other information comes to light, only the Lord knows what year this man of God died.