Charles Mitchell Pullias
Charles Mitchel Pullias, Collins
C. M. Pullias, His Influence . . ., Brown
C. M. Pullias
Mrs. C. M. Pullias Passes
Ryman Auditorium Picture
Signature of C. M. Pullias
Directions To Pullias' Gravesite
Willard Collins
Charles Mitchel Pullias, one of the outstanding gospel preachers of this century, passed away in his sleep April 4, just one day before he would have been ninety years old. He was buried in Dallas, Texas, where he had lived in retirement for the past ten years, but Middle Tennessee is the area that knew him best in the years of his active ministry.
A former secretary-treasurer of the David Lipscomb College Board of
Directors, Brother Pullias is remembered as a powerful speaker by thousands who
heard him as an annual lecturer of the Lipscomb Lecture Series, as well as by
those who heard him in hundreds of meetings throughout the country. He is known
to have preached in at least twelve states.
He was the regular preacher for the Church Street church of Christ, Lewisburg, Tenn., 1905-1918; East Main Street church of Christ, Murfreesboro, Tenn., 1922-1928; and Pearl and Bryan Streets church of Christ, Dallas, Texas, 1928-1935. After 1935, he went to Longview, Texas; then back to the Church Street congregation in Lewisburg for a number of years. From Lewisburg, he moved to Westvue congregation in Murfreesboro. He then became regular minister of the church of Christ in Bruceton, Tenn. Following this work, he became assistant minister of the Shamrock Shores church of Christ in Dallas, where he remained until his death.
In an interview written by Tom Wallace in the GOSPEL ADVOCATE of May 28, 1959, Brother Pullias was quoted as follows: "The greatest thrill of my career was perhaps in leading the song service in the Ryman Auditorium in Nashville in 1922 when there were from seven thousand to ten thousand people present and all singing, without an instrument, without the present hearing aids, and without loud speakers. It was really a thrill to lead that many in song. We led three hundred songs or more; we never missed a pitch nor had to correct the audience a single time."
Brother Pullias was born in Trousdale County, Tenn., the son of M. A. Pullias, a native of Athens, Greece, and Mary Ann Crank Pullias. As a young man, he operated a steamboat on the Cumberland River with his father. He was educated in the public schools of Trousdale County and began preaching in Wilson County, Tenn., after having been baptized by L. S. White. It is reported that his first sermon was preached when Brother White became ill and unable to fill an appointment, and called on him to take his place.
He was married to Miss Martha Jane Hearn, July 11, 1898 , and she survives. They were making their home with a son, M. Kurfees Pullias, in Gatesville, Texas . Five other children survive: Mrs. James Richard Minton, Nashville; Lloyd White Pullias, Hendersonville,Tenn.; Paul Pullias, Dallas , Texas; D. L. Pullias, Washington, D. C., and Mrs. Mary Albright, Dallas,Texas.
Brother Pullias was also the uncle of Athens Clay Pullias, president of David Lipscomb College; I. C. Pullias, minister of the Washington Street church of Christ, Fayetteville, Tenn.; and Dr. Earl V. Pullias, professor of higher education, University of Southern California, Los Angeles.
In memory of his beloved uncle, President Athens Clay Pullias states: "C. M. Pullias has blazed a trail of loyalty to Christ which has made the family name a household word in the brotherhood. Wherever I have gone since the days of my boyhood, his name and reputation for loyalty to New Testament Christianity had gone before me. This has made my path much easier than it otherwise would have been. In my early days as a preacher, he recommended me for many gospel meetings which gave me opportunities to preach that I would never have had."
-Gospel Advocate, Volume CIV,
M. Pullias-His Influence on My Life
Many powerful preachers of the gospel have greatly influenced my life for good. C. M. Pullias stands like a "cedar in Lebanon" among them. He was truly a good and great man. Of course when we use the word "great" as applied to human beings, we use it in a relative sense. Nothing in the universe is absolutely great but one, that is God, but Brother Pullias was somewhat in a class to himself. His memory of the Scriptures was amazing, and, in my judgment, no man living today has a greater knowledge of them than Brother Pullias possessed. Not only did he know the Bible well, but he preached it "as it is written." His knowledge of the Bible was such, and he had grown in the confidence of the brethren until he was regarded as an "authority" in the church on what the Bible teaches on any and all subjects. When it came to a statement of facts in the Bible, one could depend on what he said. When there was a doubt as to the interpretation of a particular passage on any matter, his judgment or opinion was as good as the best.
Brother Pullias held no radical opinions, taught no speculative theories,
and took no strange positions. When those in the church who are advocating the
"anti" ideas reported that he was opposed to churches contributing to
orphan homes and to congregations cooperating to do any good work, he let it be
known that the report was false. In a personal letter which Brother Pullias
wrote to me about these matters he stated: "I have tried to live and preach
so that those who know me will not believe every misrepresentation of my life
and teaching."
I first knew Brother Pullias when he preached for the East Main Street congregation in Murfreesboro, Tenn., from 1922-1928. Those were the days when he was at the height of his power. As he preached, he wanted men and women to have a knowledge of the Scriptures, to be filled with the spirit of Christ, without being influenced by the teaching of any man. He loved the church of our Lord, and he would plead with his audience to "get in the church and stay in the church, and stay out of everything else."
That kind of preaching sounded good to me then, and the same kind sounds good today. Although I was just a small boy, there was something about both the message and the preacher that made me want to preach. The more I heard Brother Pullias preach Sunday after Sunday, the stronger grew my desire to preach. There was just one thing that made me wonder if my desire would ever be fulfilled-I had never walked a step in my life. I was afflicted from birth with spastic paralysis. I really wondered if I would ever be able to do something worthwhile in life.
Then, one Lord's day, Brother Pullias preached on the subject of "Faith." In the sermon he stated: "Friends, the Bible says, 'Delight thyself also in the Lord; and he shall give thee the desires of thine heart. Commit thy way unto the Lord; trust also in him; and he shall bring it to pass."' My attention was focused on this scripture as never before. There was something in this grand old preacher's voice, when he quoted it, that made me know that he was a man with strong faith, one who believed in God with all his heart.
By this time I had learned to love Brother Pullias. I had confidence in what he said. I believed he would tell me the truth. One day I asked him if he thought it could ever be possible for me to preach. He replied, "You can do whatever you want to do, if you want to do it bad enough, provided it can be done at all." I have remembered these words all these years. They have encouraged me when I wanted to give up. They have inspired me to try again when I have failed. During my stay in Vanderbilt Hospital, and also after I came home, Brother Pullias visited me many times. We played together and passed away many long hours, while I wore steel braces. It was in those days that Brother Pullias meant so much to me.
Today, as I write these words, Brother Pullias' body lies in state in a funeral home in Dallas, Texas, but we believe his spirit has gone home to be with the Lord. Forty-three years have passed since I first heard him preach. By the help of God, and because of the encouragement from this grand old soldier of the cross, I am fulfilling my life's desire to preach the gospel. Let his death constitute another challenge to us younger men in the army of the Lord to fill the ranks and prepare for responsibility as leaders. May God give us more such men of conviction, courage, knowledge, faith, and service in the vineyard of the Lord.
May 3, 1962, pages 276,277
C. M. Pullias died Tuesday, April 3, at Dallas, Texas. He would have been ninety years old if he had lived until April 5. Funeral will be Friday in Dallas, Texas.
-GA, Vol. CIV, No.15, p. 239 - Under "AT REST" Column
Pullias-Mrs. Martha Jane Pullias, widow of C. M. Pullias, passed away December 24, 1966 at Waco, Texas. She was laid to rest by her husband, December 26 in Restland Memorial Park, Dallas, Texas The services were conducted by Dr. Sam H. Crawford, Winston Atkinson and Dr. Warren Carter. Singers were from the Garland Road and Shamrock Shores congregations, Dallas.-M. Kurfees Pullias.
-Gospel Advocate - Vol. CIX no.4 Jan. 26, 1967, page 63
Ryman Auditorium, Nashville, Tennessee
First Tabernacle Meeting With N.B. Hardeman
And C. M. Pullias Directing The Singing
{Picture From Vol. II, Hardeman Tabernacle Sermons}
Signature of C. M. Pullias
Courtesy of Terry J. Gardner, 04.2010
Directions To The Grave of C. M. Pullias
C. M. & Martha Jane Pullias are buried in a family plot in the Restland Cemetery in Dallas, Texas. Phone (972-238-8311). 9220 Restland Rd. Dallas, TX, 75243. The cemetery is located just north of Dallas NE of the junction of State Hwy. 75 and the I-635 Loop. Go north of I-635 on Hwy.75 and take Exit 22, Centennial Blvd. and turn right. Turn right on S. Greenville Ave. (Hwy.5) and head back south toward Dallas. You will see the cemetery on the right. Don't turn in until you get to Restland Rd. and turn right. Go into the main entrance to the right on Restland Rd. and follow the map below to get to the grave of C. M. Pullias.See Map Here.
GPS Coordinates
32°55'52.1"N 96°44'22.0"W
or D.d. 32.931150,-96.739433
Grave Facing West
Rose Garden Section, Lot 317, Spaces 4&5
Final Resting Place Of C. M. & Martha Jane Pullias
Cemetery, Rose Garden Section, Dallas, Texas
Marshall Kurfees Pullias, Son Of C. M. Pullias
Charles M.
Martha Jane