Gospel Advocate Commemorative Issue
December 10, 1931
Table Of Contents
A Great Teacher And
Brother A.G. Freed Is Gone
A.G. Freed, Calhoun
Sermons, Chapel Talks, And Debates
From C.M. Pullias
From J.B. Nelson
Words Of Sympathy
In Memoriam, Freed Funeral
A Great Man Has Fallen This Day
The Funeral
Words Of Appreciation
Faithful Until Death
Brother Freed
What Brother Freed Meant To Me
Elder A.G. Freed
Arvy Glenn Freed
Brother Freed As A Fellow Teacher
Resolutions On The Passing Of Brother Freed
My Ideal Of A Man
Words Of Sympathy
Funeral Flowers Picture
A Great Teacher And Christian
In the passing of Brother A. G. Freed the church has lost a mighty force for good. As a teacher for young and old, he will be missed both in the church and the schoolroom. Having studied under him for three school years when it seemed to me that he was at his best, I feel free to speak of him as having but few, if any, equals in getting the lesson more firmly impressed on the mind of the student. His kind, patient efforts, coupled with firmness and the certainty of the position taken, were sure to stir within each mind a desire to know more of the subject presented. His neat appearance, cheerful manner, and words of encouragement linger in the minds of hundreds who have sat at his feet drinking in the lessons which molded real characters for the duties of life.
He was a close student of the word of God and an excellent exponent of it. His efforts in upholding the cause of the Lord have been and will be strongly felt throughout the land. As a defender of the truth, he was fearless and made the opposers feel that a real defense was being presented, so that whatever efforts were made to overthrow the line of arguments given, he was at ease in letting the hearers see the weakness of his opponent. He did much in putting to flight the doctrines of men and setting up the way of the Lord. As a preacher of the gospel, he was in demand and commanded the interest of the audiences assembled. Hundreds have turned to the Lord because of his service as a proclaimer of the word.
His life was clean and his speech that of refinement. His ideals were high and his influence among the students was of the highest type. He felt an abiding interest in the one who was striving to make something worthwhile, and helped many a student through the gloomy days when hopes for getting an education appeared almost impossible. His manner of life was such as to draw others to the Lord, and I shall ever be thankful that I came in touch with him and felt his influence. His life has meant much to me, and I shall not forget all his benefits, but press on to higher heights as I step upon the noble principles that he set forth. Let us all so resolve and bring it to pass.
—by H. M. Phillips, Gospel Advocate, December 10, 1931, page 1532
Back To TopBrother A.G. Freed Is Gone
Of Brother Freed it may be said that he did not come into the Lord's vineyard as an idler, a mere drone in the hive; for when a young man he began preaching "the unsearchable riches of Christ," and soon became one of the best preachers in the brotherhood. He was a most zealous and earnest preacher, and never failed to declare "the whole counsel of God" on any and all subjects he undertook to discuss. He read and studied the Bible until his head and his heart were full of that which made him wise unto salvation, and no more useful man entered the pulpits of this country in his day, and eternity alone will have to reveal the good he did. His zeal and devotion to God were limited only by his ability to serve him.
He was my neighbor the last few years of his life. He was a kind and obliging neighbor, husband, and parent, beloved alike by all his neighbors. He was as true to his convictions as the needle to the pole, yet kind and gentle in his dealings, with men. He had much greater desire to do good than to be called great; hence, he seemed content to labor among those who knew him best, rather than extend his fame abroad. Perhaps a little slow to act at times, yet he never shrank from duty when he deemed it necessary to notice anything demanding his attention. So much was he imbued with the spirit of his Master that he rarely failed to accomplish anything he undertook. No spirit of partiality, vindictiveness, retaliation, or revenge ever controlled an emotion of his heart, but his constant desire at all times was to do right. When the assembling day came, he made his way to the house of God that he might meet and join his brethren and sisters in celebrating the death and suffering of the Master. He will be missed by the churches.
But few men can stand opposition as did A. G. Freed. We all love ease and quietude. Few have a taste for conflict, and when it comes fewer stand; but Brother Freed stood the acid tests. He realized that to be a true disciple of Christ required courage. This he possessed abundantly. He stood up against the popular current of the age in which he lived. He was bold and aggressive like Paul, yet mild and gentle like John.
Brother Freed was true and loyal to the Scriptures, and maintained to the end an unmovable opposition to all efforts to introduce human expedients into the worship or the work of the church. He was loyal to the appointments of God, and had unshaken faith in their sufficiency and efficiency for occupying the time, means, and energy of his children. He retained his vigor of both mind and body to the end. His writings were noted chiefly for their vigor and force. But in his preaching he was frequently as simple as a child, as gentle and tender as a woman. He presented the gospel with the simplicity and tenderness of childlike faith in the Savior. I have heard but few preachers, if any, that could present the gospel with more simplicity, tenderness, and love. He was preeminently a man of faith. He prayed much, and studied his Bible faithfully and constantly to the end of life. But few persons have we met who seemed to more fully drink in the spirit of the Bible as presented in both its precepts and in the examples of its ancient and worthy heroes. His life, his talents, his years from early manhood till his passing away, have all been conscientiously and with true self-denial devoted to the service of his Master.
He quietly passed away at the Vanderbilt Hospital, Nashville, Tenn., some days after an operation. As he was being carried to the operating room he manifested his great faith in God by repeating these sweet words: 'Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil; for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff, they comfort me," etc. Appropriate services were conducted in the auditorium of the Central church of Christ, Friday, November 13, in the presence of one of ' the largest audiences ever assembled in this auditorium, after which the body was laid away in Woodlawn Cemetery.
—by C.E.W. Dorris, Gospel Advocate, December 10, 1931, page 1532
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G. Freed
(An Appreciation.)
"It's easy enough to be pleasant
When life flows on like a song;
But the man worth while
Is the man who will smile
When everything goes dead wrong."
Brother Freed was a splendid exemplification of the truth stated in the foregoing lines. I have known him more than thirty years. I have seen him under varied circumstances, but I never saw him when he did not wear a smile and when he was not the very soul of affability and courtesy. He had a brave heart, a clear head, and a firm hand. His life work will be his most lasting monument. He had a multitude of friends. There were some who hated him even as some hated Jesus himself. Energy, courtesy, and fairness were fundamental principles of his character. He feared no one but God; he loved all men; and he was a faithful servant of humanity. Give him of the fruit of his hands, and let his own works praise him in the gates. Those of us who knew him and loved him will miss him, but we shall hope to meet him in the city foursquare, where death can never come. Truly, a great man among us has fallen, but his influence for good will live throughout eternity.
Lovingly his friend and brother,
Hall Laurie Calhoun
—Hall Laurie Calhoun, Gospel Advocate, December 10, 1931, page 1533
Back To Top"Sermons, Chapel Talks, And Debates."
It is well to cherish the memory of those who have labored for the good of others, benefited their fellow men, and left the world better for having lived in it. It is good to show an appreciation of those who have unselfishly devoted their lives to the salvation of men and to the service of God, and to hold them up as examples worthy of the admiration of the aged and the emulation and imitation of the young. In this age of material development, too many are overlooking the religious and moral good, and forgetting those who labor to spread the principles which lie at the foundation of all material prosperity.
Socrates, the great Athenian orator and teacher of rhetoric, tells us that there are three things that enter into the composition of a convincing public speaker—"Nature, Discipline, and Experience." The author of this book has an abundance of all these qualifications.
Brother A. G. Freed has been one of the leading educators of the South for more than a third of a century, and the greater portion of his labors, both as president of colleges and preacher of the gospel, has been done in West Tennessee. This fact alone tells more eloquently than I am able to do the character of man he is. During all this time he has been and is now one of the greatest preachers and debaters in the church of Christ.
Reading great sermons is the next best thing to hearing them. This volume of chapel talks and sermons is a contribution to our religious literature. These lessons are characterized by simplicity of style, clearness of expression, beauty of diction, and strength of thought peculiar to the author. Science, logic, rhetoric, illustrations, and Scripture are woven into sermonic structures that convince the intellect, profoundly stir the spirit, and move the will to action. Brother Freed's public utterances have attracted and edified many congregations and brought hundreds into the kingdom of Christ. He has given much study to the topics discussed, and deals with them in a straightforward and forceful way, never leaving one to guess at what he means.
This book, embodying the ripe fruits of his intellect and experience, should have a place in thousands of homes and make a better character for all who read it.
—I.A. Douthitt, Gospel Advocate, December 10, 1931, page 1533
From C. M. Pullias.
The passing of Brother A. G. Freed is the occasion of much sorrow on my part. Not that I am uneasy about his future, but that we need him so much. He was one of the outstanding defenders of the truth as revealed in the New Testament. He met many of the denominational preachers in public discussion. His work in that way will live though he be dead. He was as brave as a lion, and yet a very tender man and of the easiest approach. He was one of the most gentlemanly characters I have ever known. He was always the same, and met every one with a smile and a cheery, good greeting. I suppose he had committed to his care the training of as many young men and women as any other one we could name, all of whom love him and, no doubt, will cherish his memory as long as they live. Not only will the school miss him, but the college also, together with a host of friends.
The church has lost in the last few years many of its staunchest preachers till there are but very few of the old guard left to carry on. We pray that the Lord may raise up many more brave soldiers of the cross who will not lift the white flag before the enemy. Error is abroad in the land, and we need brave men who will dare or die. Brother Freed's memory will always be a blessing to me. He was well educated, and yet a very plain man in all his work. His influence is far-reaching and is one of Jehovah's richest blessings to this generation. No one would say he made no mistakes, for he was human; but they were few, and, like any of God's servants, he was always ready and willing to correct them when his attention was called to them. While we regret his passing, we fully believe he is better off than those who are left behind. Would to God we could all be in the same frame of mind as Paul when he said: "I am in a strait betwixt two, having a desire to depart, and to be with Christ; which is far better: nevertheless to abide in the flesh is more needful for you."
May the Lord bless and keep his family to the end, is my prayer. I extend to his bereaved family the sympathy of my heart, and wish for them the richest blessings of my God all the days of their pilgrimage on earth and a home with all the loved ones above at last.
—C.M. Pullias, Gospel Advocate, December 10, 1931, page 1533From J.B. Nelson.
A letter today from my wife, at Dallas, Texas, tells me that Brother A. G. Freed is dead. I am made sad and deeply grieved. A power in the schoolroom, a power in the field of polemics, a power in upholding the banner of the great Prince of Peace has fallen. Brother Freed was an ideal character. He will live in the lives of hundreds of men and women whom he taught. He filled a place of his own, and filled it well. He was a magnetic man in the classroom.
It seems that the church cannot spare much useful characters from the pulpit as A. G. Freed; but Jehovah sees different, so the "will of the Lord be done." Gone, dear brother, but not forgotten. We will quote you, speak of you, refer to you, and keep the coals of sweet remembrance burning. In a few days others will be with you. Wait for us.
—J.B. Nelson, Gospel Advocate, December 10, 1931, page 1533Words Of Sympathy.
Brother Freed regarded life as truly a "sacred gift from God," and we have the assurance that is "better further on" with him.—Alice Lee Denslow, Waverly, Tenn.
We want you and Martha Bell to know that we share your sorrow. We fully appreciate in the passing of Brother Freed the loss of a real friend. We have always loved him, and found him a friend faithful and true.—Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Lowrey, Orlando, Fla.
— Miscellaneous Responses, Gospel Advocate, December 10, 1931, page 1533
Back To TopIn Memoriam.
In the chapel of Freed-Hardeman College on the morning of November 17 a memorial service was held in honor of Brother Freed, who was one of the founders of the school. In as much as circumstances were such that neither faculty nor student body could attend the funeral in Nashville, we took this method of doing honor to his memory.
The devotional part of the program consisted of the singing of one of Brother Freed's favorite songs, "'Tis So Sweet to Trust in Jesus," the reading of a selection of Scripture from which he had spoken at chapel exercises so many times, and a prayer. Brother C. P. Roland had charge of this part of the program.
Then came Brother I. N. Roland, the father of C. P. Roland, who was a student in the first session of school taught by Brother Freed in the South. His part of the program was to discuss Brother Freed's coming to the South and his work at Essary Springs. The following is a summary of what he said:
In the year 1889, Brother D. S. Nelms, of Essary Springs, Tenn., in Hardeman County, conceived the idea of organizing a school board and stock company for the fostering of education in Tennessee and adjoining States. The execution of this conception brought about the erection of the famous Southern Tennessee Normal College. He then advertised in the Gospel Advocate for a Christian preacher who could also teach the normal system.
Brother A. G. Freed, of Valparaiso College, Indiana among others, answered the call. It was purely a missionary undertaking on the part of Brother Freed. He drew his support largely from the neglected, illiterate boys and girls, men and women, from rural communities made desolate by the Civil War.
The growth of the school from the beginning was magical. In a few years it was known from the gulf to the lakes and from ocean to ocean. Brother C. C. Kendrick, of California, delivered the first class address to a class of sixteen, of which the writer and his good wife had the pleasure of being members.
To show you that fond memories linger in the minds of those who met at that dear old schoolhouse on the hill, and of Brother Freed, the Napoleon who led that educational army, and for whom many of that army would have fought, I have but to recall the first chapel meeting. The song was led by Brother Nelms, and the song was: "There's a land that is fairer than day, and by faith we can see it afar."
As has been suggested, his methods were normal; his grammar outlines, mathematical analyses, and ten-weeks' courses captivated all newcomers. This new modus operandi soon spread all over the South, and was carried by him into the Georgia Robertson Christian College, Henderson, Tenn., in the year 1895.
As to the Bible phase of the school, for the want of more money and a more complete faculty, there were no daily recitations in the Bible or in Bible literature. Brethren Freed and M. H. Northcross did much preaching for the school and community. The type of Brother Freed's sermons was mostly first principles. The religious conditions of the times were highly suggestive of the conclusion.
To show the effectiveness of some of his labors, the writer mentions the outcome of one instance among many:
In the town in which the writer was born the church had no meetinghouse, so a tent was procured for a series of sermons. The tent was guarded at night to prevent destruction by enemies of the truth. There were possibly—and I doubt that—one-half dozen members at that time, but the seed that was sown then took root and grew. Within a hundred yards of where that tent stood the brethren have the best meetinghouse in the town and one of the liveliest congregations in West Tennessee. Only a few years back the majority of the high-school graduates were members of the church there and their class sermon was preached by a member of the church, and this year their class address was made by Brother N. B. Hardeman.
Brother Freed was a tireless worker in the vineyard of the Lord. He would spend the school week in the classroom, and on Saturdays spend the most of the day in getting to some distant congregation, by some crude way of travel, then would preach on Saturday night, again on Sunday, and many times be very late in arriving home on Sunday night, and occasionally not before Monday.
Within the time of his work in the Southern Tennessee Normal College, Brother Freed won his first laurels as a defender of the truth in debate.
At Corinth, Miss., about the year 1892, he met the famous Missionary Baptist debater, J. N. Hall, on a series of propositions so common between our brethren and the Baptists, and perhaps he climbed his "Alps" on the "possibility of apostasy."
Next on the program came Brother N. B. Hardeman, who took up the story of Brother Freed's coming to Henderson and followed it on till the time of his leaving. Brother Hardeman said:
It is very appropriate for us to have a service of this kind in this chapel hall, where Brother Freed appeared before similar audiences so many times. Few of you students knew him personally, but you know of him and his work. You have listened, to his favorite chapel-exercise Scripture and have had a splendid history of his school connection in the South from 1889 until he came to Henderson.
I first met Brother Freed in May, 1895. In the fall of that year he came to locate with us as president of West Tennessee Christian College. I spent a year with him as a student, doing general review work. The year following I taught school near Kenton, Tenn., and returned home in 1897 to enter Georgia Robertson Christian College as a member of the faculty with Brother Freed.
Excepting two years, I was associated with him most intimately until 1923. In 1905, Brother Freed and I severed connection with Georgia Robertson Christian College. He went to Denton, Texas, and became president of Southwestern Christian College, where he remained for two years, while I served as principal of the public school of Henderson.
In 1908 we erected the present administration building of this school, and once again our efforts were united to build up a great institution. At that time there was neither a State normal nor a high school within our borders. We had a large enrollment from the first, which numbered more than five hundred pupils a session. With the erection of State schools, our patronage, of course, declined.
In 1919 this privately owned school was transferred to a board of trustees, the name was changed to "Freed-Hardeman College," and with it we continued until 1923. At that time he became vice president of David Lipscomb College, Nashville, while I devoted two years to evangelistic work, and returned here in 1925.
This is a brief history of our school connection. Brother Freed was not an ordinary man. There was about him outstanding and unique traits which always left their impress upon those who came in contact with him. In whatever cause he championed he was a tower of strength. I think that no man ever contended more earnestly for what he thought was right than did Brother Freed. He has fought many a battle for the Cause Jesus died to establish.
I was glad of the opportunity to visit Brother Freed a few days before his passing. It was evident that the end was near and I am quite certain that he was conscious of the same. I shall ever cherish the many pleasant relations with him and shall seek to perpetuate the many fine lessons I have heard him deliver.
Special characteristics of his life are left to Brother Brigance, who will speak next.
The next talk was made by the writer, whose subject was "Commendable Characteristics" of Brother Freed. The following is a synopsis of what was said:
With the exception of Brother Hardeman and Brother Freed's immediate family, perhaps no one knew him better than did I. After finishing high school, I entered the Georgia Robertson Christian College in the fall of 1901 while he was president, where I remained for the next four or five years. After that I spent fifteen or more years as a member of his faculty, and, therefore, was associated with him intimately day after day during the greater part of twenty years.
I would not leave the impression that I think Brother Freed was free from faults. He was not. He was human, and, therefore, like the rest of us, he had his human weaknesses; but this is not the time nor occasion to speak of them. On the other hand, he had his "commendable characteristics," and it is of them that I would speak at this time.
Industry.—Brother Freed was one of the most industrious men I ever knew. He was always busy. I never saw him idle. If he ever took a vacation, I never knew it. His theory and practice was that "a change of work" was all the rest he needed, and it was all he ever took. He was either in the classroom, at his desk, in the pulpit, or in his garden, at work. I have often heard him say that, like a faithful horse, he wanted to die with the harness on. And he did.
Optimism. —Every one has his troubles, difficulties, and disappointments. Most of us get down in the dumps and have the blues. We become discouraged and disheartened, and all but give up. Not so with Brother Freed. He never lost faith. One of his favorite texts at chapel exercises was: "To him that believeth all things are possible." Of course, he had his worries, but he kept them to himself. He always presented a cheerful and optimistic appearance to the world.
Courtesy. —Upon a visit to his school before I became his pupil, I was attracted by a quotation from the Cary sisters, written by his own hand on a blackboard and placed upon the stage in front of the whole assembly of students: "We make it an invariable rule to treat every one with perfect civility, no matter what garb he wears or what infirmity he suffers." This he did. It mattered not who they were, rich or poor, high or low, white or black, he always treated them with the utmost respect and courtesy.
Dignity. —While Brother Freed was not stiff and formal, yet he carried himself with an unfailing dignity· that was befitting his position in life as college president and gospel preacher. He never carne down off that dignity unless it was in the privacy of his own home. Even among his intimate friends he never descended to anything low or common, but always maintained that bearing characteristic of good breeding. He never used slang or commonplace expressions in either his public or private utterances.
Cleanliness. —Another highly commendable characteristic of Brother Freed was his cleanliness of both body and mind. He was always neat and clean in person and well dressed. He never looked shoddy or unkempt.
But he was clean in mind as well as in body. In all my association with him, I never heard him use an ugly word. He never indulged in any vulgar or salacious language. In fact, I never heard him say anything that might not have been said in the presence of a cultured and refined lady.
These are some of the qualities by which Brother Freed will be remembered by those who knew him best. There are many others of which I would like to speak, but time and space forbid.
The program was concluded by D. E. Mitchell, one of his former pupils and closest friends:
In the passing of Brother A. G. Freed the brotherhood lost one of its most dearly beloved preachers and the State has lost one of its most notable citizens.
For twenty-three years the writer has been personally acquainted with, and had intimate associations with, Brother Freed. That relationship first began under him in the schoolroom; and as a teacher, few men were his equal and none his superior. He did not believe that anything short of the best was sufficient. Not only did that apply in school work, Bible study and teaching, but in his home life. In his home, as in the pulpit, he was always that cultured, high-toned Christian gentleman which all who knew him so much admired. But few, if any, loved home life with its sweet associations better than he.
Here in our little town, where he spent the best part of his life, every one knew him as "Brother Freed" and always called him that. During his seven weeks' illness hardly a citizen in this whole community that did not make sympathetic inquiry about his condition as they anxiously waited to hear something for the better. It was here that he used to ride his bicycle to his preaching appointments all over this part of the country. It was this little city to which he and Mrs. Freed came as bride and groom in 1895. It was here in the local cemetery that he buried an infant son of eighteen months in 1899, to which tiny mound he always made a visit when he returned to Henderson after moving to Nashville. He had only one other child, Martha, now Mrs. Jim Barnes, of Jacksonville, Ill. He and Mrs. Freed always stopped at our home on his trips to Henderson. His presence on those occasions was always so much enjoyed. We loved him like a father. He enjoyed going to the old home here, looking over the premises, the beautiful shrubbery that he planted in years gone by, and the vineyard that remains all about the garden.
As the years come and go, his memory will grow brighter. In every relation of life he exemplified that exalted type of citizenship that is so characteristic of a child of God. He had a big heart, a big brain, and always viewed the bright side of life. So many times has he made the statement that he would like to see the church building lighted each evening for an hour's Bible study by the church. He walked as he taught. He did not go about with his head downcast, neither did he hold it among the clouds, but on a level with his fellow man.
At his funeral, very appropriate was it to read from the old Book that had become thumb-worn from usage, whose leaves were tinged with age—the Book from which he had so many times read, as he went all over this Southland preaching the gospel story. Please turn to the twenty-third Psalm and read it, remembering that it was Brother Freed's favorite Scripture, which he silently quoted as he went to the operating room in his last illness. It was his request that the following little poem be repeated at his funeral, which was taken from his book, "Sermons, Chapel Talks, and Debates":
"So, when some morn you hear I'm gone,
You'll know, friends, where to find me;
In that land fair where all things there
Of sweet things here remind me—
The Fatherland beyond, above
The silent-flowing river,
Where they who work, and learn, and love,
All meet, and live forever!"
—Memorial Service At Freed-Hardeman College, Gospel Advocate, December 10, 1931, pages 1536,1537
Word Of Sympathy
It is such a wonderful thing to have had the privilege of such a friendship with a person who has done so much for this world. —Mable Warren Makin, Big Stone Gap, Va.
Our whole family was very fond of Brother Freed and thought him an' ideal Christian gentleman. Not only his family, but the whole brotherhood has suffered an awful loss. —Mrs. J. C. McQuiddy, Paducah, Ky.
News has reached us of the passing of Brother Freed. He was one of the noblest men I have ever known. I believe he has. "gone home." May the Lord bless you and your daughter. —A. O. Colley, Dallas, Texas.
Of all the pleasant memories of my two years at David Lipscomb College, the mental pictures of your loved one's smiles and kind words are the ones most deeply impressed upon my mind. —George H. Trice, Dickson, Tenn.
It can be truly said of him that "a prince and a mighty man has fallen in Israel." Of course your loss is his gain, and I know that you have the fortitude and true womanhood to bear it heroically.—C.H. Rush, Hopkinsville, Ky.
—Gospel Advocate, December 10, 1931, pages 1537
Back To TopA Great Man Has Fallen This Day.
Arvy Glenn Freed was born in Saltillo, Ind., in 1863, and died in Vanderbilt Hospital, Nashville, Tenn., at 3:10 P.M., November 11, 1931. This span of sixty-eight years gives us the period of the earthly life of a great man.
The above caption is almost the language of David when he said to his servants concerning the death of Abner: "Know ye not that there is a prince and a great man fallen this day in Israel?" This same language can be applied to our dear brother, A. G. Freed. He had but recently laid down his armor when he died. He held meetings through the college vacation till the new term opened and then went back to the schoolroom and took his place with his classes. He never complained, except a few times before he took his bed. He said to Sister Freed: "I feel tired." He did, not know that a fatal disease was rapidly destroying his life. The physicians did all they could for him and tried to operate, but in doing so they learned the truth that there was no hope of his life. He worked patiently and uncomplainingly till almost the end. Brother Freed was a great and good man.
"Lives of great men all remind us,
We can make our lives sublime."
I would like to paraphrase that couplet by writing it: "The lives of good men all remind us that we can make our lives sublime." True greatness includes goodness, and there is no real sublimity in greatness that is not good.
Brother Freed was good and great because he knew and loved the Bible as the word of God. The English premier, Gladstone, who himself believed the Bible to be the word of God, said he knew sixty-five master minds, and all but two of them had diligently and faithfully studied the Bible. This book is the source of true greatness. Brother Freed learned the Bible and loved it, and he had a true conception of the New Testament church, and this fact made him great. He knew the church, not as a denomination or a party in religion, but as the body of Christ, tlie kingdom of heaven, over which Christ is King. A clear conception of the New Testament church and a familiar knowledge of the Bible will make a great man. He not only knew the church theoretically, but he knew it in practice. He not only knew the Bible as the best of literature, but he knew it and obeyed it as a guide to his life.
In manners and true politeness, Brother Freed was a prince among men. His manners distinguished him as a good and great man on any and all occasions. He was a fine logician, and, therefore, a good and safe defender of the truth. He made but few arguments in a debate, but he made them to stand. He never ran away from an argument; and if an opponent expected him to do that, he was sure to be disappointed. He studied his positions well before he made an argument, and therefore he was ready to defend them. He was kind and courteous to an opponent, but he was severe in his arguments; yet he made his strongest arguments with a smile of satisfaction upon his face. He loved the truth above anything else; and while he usually gained a victory over his opponents, he debated for truth's sake and not simply for a victory. He was willing to be persecuted in an honest effort to see the truth prevail, and was, therefore, willing to pay the price in order to defend the teaching of God's word. If it be true that there is a tendency on the part of many to dodge and decry honest controversy, I am glad that so many young men of this generation came in contact with the life and the example of A. G. Freed. He followed that injunction of the inspired writer who said, "Ye should earnestly contend for the faith which was once delivered unto the saints." If it had not been for such men as A. G. Freed, who contended for the truth against all error, many of our young men who .are opposing honorable controversy by calling it "wrangling" would today be in the meshes of Roman Catholicism or some other form of sectarianism. Truth in the hands of a competent man never suffers from an honest investigation, even in a public discussion, while error thrives better when covered up and is allowed to remain quiet and unmolested.
Brother Freed was a great teacher, and he could impress himself upon his students as well as almost any man I ever knew. He can clean in his life, pure in his thoughts, and lofty in his aspirations. No student could be long in his presence or in his classes and not imbibe his manly ways. His wife, who knew him best, said to me: "I never heard him use an ugly word." He lived a high and exalted life—just such a life as would lift the young upward and make them desire to be great in goodness themselves. He was a typical Christian gentleman, a great teacher, an honest debater, a good preacher, a faithful husband and father; in fact, he was, above all, a true Christian. It seems that we are losing good and great men very rapidly. Strong men are falling, and we can but wonder who will take their places. One year ago to a day, and almost at the same hour, Brother F. W. Smith left us, and since that time Brother M. C. Kurfees has gone, and now we bid farewell to another great man, Brother A. G. Freed. Many are the hearts of his old students that are sad today, and we join with them in their grief. To his faithful wife and daughter I extend my sympathy in their saddest hour. May the God he served so faithfully be a husband and father to them. They have had many pleasant days with him, and he has left them the legacy of a faithful life. It will not be long till they can meet him—"in the sweet by and by."
—F.B. Srygley, Gospel Advocate, December 10, 1931 pages 1540,1541.
The Funeral.
Brother Freed's funeral was held at the Central Church of Christ, Nashville, on Friday, November 13, 1931, at 2 P.M. For over a half hour before time the large auditorium was filled. When the time came, every available space was taken and large numbers were turned away. People were there from many out-of-town points. Brother H. L. Calhoun had charge of the services. Brother L. T. Holland led the songs. Brother Charles R. Brewer and his quartet sang some special songs. Brother H. Leo Boles made the principal talk. Brother S. H. Hall also spoke. Simplicity marked the whole service. The songs were well rendered and the addresses were fine. Brother Freed's own Bible was read from in the service. The many floral designs were beautiful, as may be seen from the picture of the grave.
The following from a letter of a special friend to Mrs. Freed and Martha well expresses the general sentiment regarding the funeral service:
I told Lillie, Dovie, and Annie as we came home that if the pretty things could be said about me at death that were said of Brother Freed, I'd almost be willing to pass on at any time. People were so sweet about it. It was the best-conducted funeral I ever saw. I loved Brother Freed so I could hardly stand it; but he would not have us troubled, because he knew all was well with him, and we know it, too.
The funeral and the many comforting messages are a fine attestation to the widespread esteem and high regard in which the life and works of this good man of God and faithful preacher was held.
—by E. Gaston Collins, Gospel Advocate, December 10, 1931, page 1541.
Words Of Appreciation
With grateful hearts, we wish to acknowledge, with deepest appreciation, the many expressions of sympathy and love shown to us at the loss of husband and father by our dear friends, the faculty and students of David Lipscomb College, the Gospel Advocate, the members and elders of the churches of Christ, the ministers, the WLAC Quartet, the Mayor of the city, and the police force. We deeply appreciate also the memorial chapel services held at the High School at Henderson, Tenn., and at Freed-Hardeman, Harding, and David Lipscomb Colleges.
Mrs. A.G. Freed And Daughter
—Mrs. A.G. Freed And Daughter, Gospel Advocate, December 10, 1931, pages 1541
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Faithful Until Death.
"Be thou' faithful unto death, and I will give thee the crown of life." (Rev. 2: 10.) These are the words of our Lord unto the church at Smyrna, and it is thought that the point is this: "In the suffering that you will soon be called upon to endure for my sake, be faithful to me, even if it cost you your life." The context certainly suggests this idea. But, while this is true, the idea of being faithful until your journey here terminates is contained in the statement, regardless of how the end is brought about.
I like to think of Brother Freed from this standpoint. He was loyal, faithful, and true during the many years he lived and labored in the vineyard of our Lord. But his last days spent on a dying pillow are the days I now have in mind. His faith was beautiful all along the way, but it was sublime as the end approached.
It was my pleasure to be with him for a short time the last Lord's day he saw. It was about nine o'clock on Lord's-day morning. When I entered his room, that wonderful Freed smile at. once appeared on his face. I at once recognized how exceedingly weak he was. And though he could speak only in a whisper, it was easily heard: "I am glad to see you, Brother Hall." As he uttered these words his hand was gently pressing mine. Sister Freed, with her daughter and one of Brother Freed's sisters, was there, and the emblems for the Lord's Supper were on the table by the bed. I asked him what Scripture he wanted me to read, and his answer was: "I will leave that with you, Brother Hall." My reply was: "This is the Lord's day, which commemorates our Lord's resurrection. How about reading a part of that great resurrection chapter—the fifteenth chapter of First Corinthians?" He smiled and said: "Do that, Brother Hall." So, beginning with the twentieth verse of that chapter, I read to the close. I wish you could have seen the very glory of our Lord's presence as it beamed from his face. A short prayer was then offered. Brother Freed himself then gave thanks for the loaf, and we all partook of it. I then offered thanks for the fruit of the vine, and again we did likewise. Another short prayer and the last Lord's day communion service for this good man was over.
I' have briefly related this because of the impression it made on my heart. There was a soldier of the cross slipping away. He had always preached Christ, and him crucified and risen, unto the people. In his days of health and strength this seemed to give him joy and peace. How is the same sweet story to him now while dying? Well, it was just as I expected it to be—manifest in every expression of his face—viz., sweeter still; for on it he was leaning heavily as he merged into the shadows. I have seen Brother Freed among friends. I have seen him among enemies—enemies who were so unreasonable and who seemed bent on doing him all the harm possible. But never did I hear him say an unkind thing about any person about whom he was talking. He was abundantly able to evaluate men and measures, and did so. But all that this godly soul ever said about anyone was adorned by the spirit of our Lord and Savior.
Not only was Brother Freed appreciated by the strong-minded and highly educated, but the simple minds, the "little ones" who believe on Jesus, loved him. An old darky by the name of "Spence" worked for him twenty-seven years. He made' this remark one day: "I have worked for the Old Boss twenty-seven years. I have never heard him say an ugly word or call anyone a fool or a liar. He has always been kind and good to me."
Brother Freed was not only a Christian, with all this word means, but he was one of the gentlest men I have ever known. No one ever more powerfully impressed his students than Brother Freed. He labored about nine years in David Lipscomb College. He taught two weeks after the school opened in September and conducted a revival just out of the city at night. But after he was taken to the hospital numbers of students were heard to say, "O that he could just get able to come and sit with us at the chapel exercises or walk through the halls in our buildings," or words to that effect.
Long will the influence of this man live in the henrts of those who knew him. The Lord bless his loved ones with that joy that they should have in the consciousness that their tired and worn-out friend is now resting, sweetly resting, and awaits their corning.
—S.H. Hall, Mutual Edification Column, Gospel Advocate, December 10, 1931, page 1542
Brother Freed.
It was with sorrow of heart that we received the sad intelligence of the death of Brother A. G. Freed. There are several reasons why I feel that I should write something about this great man. It was in the year of 1923 that I became one of his disciples, and since that time I have regarded it as a great honor. I shall ·never cease to thank God for giving us such a life and influence on this earth. He did more for me, in pointing me in the right direction in life, than I could ever repay. He helped me in many ways. I well remember one time when I had no money to reach my appointment, that he loaned me the five dollars so that I could go. I also remember that he recommended me to the Chapel Avenue Church and the church at Scottsville, Ky., for work, which I later canceled that I might go to school another year. Perhaps hundreds of boys and girls have been helped by him in a substantial way to enable them to reach greater heights. During the eight years that I have been intimately acquainted with him he has meant much to me.
He was one of the most godly men that I ever knew. I believe that he lived every day just what he preached. He was as kind and gentle as any man knew how to be. He lived clean in both soul and body. He rejoiced as a Christian should, and always saw the bright side of life. He could always see one's side of the matter and could sympathize with one. He loved life himself, and would not harm the very lowest of God's creatures. I wish that I had space to tell about him in the schoolroom, but must give way to some one more capable. He was loved by all his students and loved them all. Those who have been under him know what that sweet embrace of his was worth. I was never afraid to undertake, in his presence, any task that was right. I hope to live so that I may, over yonder, fall into that sweet embrace again.
Brother Freed was kind, but he hated sin and error and fought it with all his power. He was a great debater of which others will speak. I heard him in the twelve nights' discussion with Ben M. Bogard in Nashville. One of the reasons why I feel that I should write is that one of Brother Freed's last battles, if not the last battle, was fought here last summer. The people of Winfield will long remember his stay. He found his way into the hearts of the people. He helped them to see the truth. They thronged to hear him. Everyone would say: "I know that he is a good man." The last Sunday night of the meeting the auditorium was filled, the Sunday school rooms, over the baptistery, in the aisles and everywhere people were standing trying to hear. A large audience was seated outside the house. Those who have been to Winfield and know something about the size of the house can appreciate the fact that people were really interested in hearing him. He seemed to be at his best. Little did we think at that time that he would return home, take sick, and die. A few months before the meeting I urged that all hear him, as he was old and might not pass this way often, but little did I think that the end would come so soon.
I am sure that he was prepared to die. He assisted me in conducting a funeral while here, and said: "It matters not where one may die; it matters not when one may die; it matters not how; but the great question is, Are you prepared tb die?" I am sure that when we meet over yonder he will greet us there as one of the heroes of faith. May his tribe increase. "Know ye not that there is a prince and a great man fallen this day in Israel?"
—Chester Estes, Gospel Advocate, December 10, 1931, pages 1542,1543
What Brother Freed Meant To Me
The sad news of Brother Freed's death has just reached me, and it seems almost impossible for me to realize it. Only a short time ago I heard him deliver a great sermon on "The New and Living Way" to the church at Rives, Tenn. He is one man who walked in that "new way" faithfully till God called him home. Like Enoch, he "walked with God," and God will reward him eternally.
Aside from my parents, no man has influenced my life for good more than Brother Freed. When I was twenty-one years old my education was very limited. I had secured a certificate and was teaching in district schools. When I met Brother Freed, he said kindly: "Don't you want to attend my school?" I was anxious to go, but had only one hundred dollars. His kind and sympathetic heart was moved, and he told me to come ahead and I could pay him when I was able. After four years his teaching had made me able, and I paid every cent. Never shall I forget those happy years at the feet of this great and good man, and to him I owe much for the positions I have been able to fill. It is with much pleasure that I recall the invaluable lessons he taught us young people in the old chapel hall at Henderson, Tenn. Every lesson gleamed like a jewel, and those who had a spark of gratitude in their hearts were lifted to higher planes thereby.
The beautiful book, "Sermons, Chapel Talks, and Debates," by A. G. Freed, sold at the Gospel Advocate office, contains only a few of the strong sermons and addresses that came from his great heart. Talented men have said: "When we hear Brother Freed, we get more to strengthen and encourage us to live better than from any other man we have ever heard."
Paul said: "Be ye followers of me, as I also am of Christ." In this he limited himself as an example, knowing that Christ alone is the only perfect example. We do not say Brother Freed was perfect, yet in many ways he was an example to thousands who sat at his feet and saw his daily life. He reminded me more of Paul than anyone else I ever knew, and his advice to his students ran like this: "Be thou an example to them that believe, in word, in manner of life, in love, in faith, in purity." This he preached, and this he practiced. During the thirty-three years I knew him, not once did I ever hear an impure word come from his lips.
If all his old students and the people who knew him and loved him could plant one flower upon his grave, it would make a garden of rare beauty to fill the air with fragrance.
He was firm, but gentle; candid, yet kind; great, yet humble; zealous, but tolerant; courageous, yet possessed perfect poise; sincere, yet reasonable; pure, yet forgiving and generous. In other words, he was a prince in the court of God.
To his dear wife, daughter, and other relatives let me say: You have much comfort in, knowing that his life has been a benediction to thousands and a glory to Christ. Only a few more short years and you may be with him in his glorified body, where suffering is unknown and tears shall never dim your eyes.
His life makes Paul's words appropriate: "I have fought a good fight. I have finished my course, I have kept the faith." Well done, dear teacher, well done! Thank God for giving the church such men!
—W.S. Long, Gospel Advocate, December 10, 1931, page 1543
Elder A.G. Freed
I have been told that Brother Freed is dead. Three or four months ago he was with the brethren in Kenton, Tenn., and preached a series of sermons equal to, or superior to, any I ever heard him deliver, and was apparently in his usual health. Therefore, it is hard to realize that he has gone to join the innumerable caravan marching to the unknown "somewhere."
When the silent messenger came and by his magic touch stilled the mainspring of Brother Freed's earthly existence, as gallant a knight as ever donned the armor of God fell and left a vacancy in the army of the Lord which cannot be easily filled. I have never had the pleasure of sitting at the feet of a preacher that was his superior in presenting the gospel of Christ in its fullness and its simplicity.
During the protracted services in Kenton, mentioned above, he delved into the lessons taught by Christ in his matchless Sermon on the Mount, out of which he brought to his audiences many truths that were calculated to arouse lukewarm Christians from their lethargy and cause them to reconsecrate their lives to the service of the Lord. Under existing circumstances, such men as was Brother Freed are needed in the Christian world as never before. Atheism is being propagated with renewed energy, and Infidelity under the guise of modernism is making inroads on the faith of a large number of our young preachers. Therefore, teachers of the Christian Bible who believe that "holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost" (as our deceased brother believed) are necessary for the Christian education of the young people of the twentieth century.
A feeling of sadness pervades our heart as we realize that the voice of Brother Freed has been stilled and will be heard no more; but we have many reasons for believing that when he entered the valley and shadow of death, he was met by the Christ at the brink of the river, who piloted him into the haven of bliss, where "the wicked cease from troubling" and "the weary be at rest." We bid our brother in Christ adieu for a season, which, according to nature, will be short, and, by the help of our Father in heaven, we will continue the battle against all evil until our last call, and hope, through the love and mercy of Him who knows the hearts of all men, to meet our departed brother at the feet of Jesus “in the morning.”
—Gentry Reynolds, Gospel Advocate, December 10, 1931, page 1543
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Arvy Glenn Freed.
On August 3, 1863, in Indiana, Arvy Glenn Freed was born. His parents were Joseph and Elisa Hayes Freed. At the time of Brother Freed's birth Joseph Freed lived in Saltillo, Ind. His mother was a Hayes, a relative of President Rutherford B. Hayes. Brother Freed had some distinguished ancestors. He was educated in the common schools of Indiana until he was ready to go to college. He entered Valparaiso University and was graduated with distinction from that famous educational institution. Brother Freed had strong intellectual powers, together with a keen intellect. He easily mastered any subject which he set his heart to study.
He became a Christian early in life. Soon after becoming a Christian he began to preach the gospel. He combined teaching and preaching. After graduating from the university he came to Tennessee and dedicated his life to the cause of Christian education and the preaching of the gospel. He had laid well the foundation for a thorough education and had mastered every branch that belonged to the curriculum for his day. He established a school at Essary Springs, Tenn., and there enjoyed the first success of his successful career as an educator. After teaching a number of years at Essary Springs, he went to Henderson, Tenn., and there began work in a larger field. He gathered around him a very efficient faculty of teachers, and his college soon became famous throughout West Tennessee and North Mississippi. The institution at Henderson grew, and its courses were modified to keep apace with the onward march of the cause of education. Brother Freed went to Texas and taught a few years, but returned to his old field of labor at Henderson and established what is now known as Freed-Hardeman College. He remained with this institution of learning until 1923. At that time he came to Nashville and accepted the position of vice president of David Lipscomb College. He remained with this college until he passed away. Brother Freed may be classed among the famous educators of the South.
In the pulpit, as a preacher of the gospel, he achieved great success. He understood the Bible and loved the word of God. He delighted in studying its sacred truths. His sermons were logical and Scriptural. He presented his lessons with kindness and persuasiveness. He could present the truth in such a way as to convince the disbeliever and persuade and encourage all to accept the word of God. He was very successful as an evangelist and baptized hundreds of people. He established many congregations and strengthened many others. He traveled and preached in nearly all of the Southern States and many of the Northern States. His services were always in demand, and he never found time to rest. Thousands of people living today can rejoice in the fact that Brother Freed helped them to see the truth and then to accept it.
In the field of polemics Brother Freed had but few equals and possibly no superiors. Brother Freed was not militant in nature, neither was he inclined to disputing. He debated because he saw the need of discussion, and was not afraid to defend the church or the truth of God as revealed in the Bible against any opposition. No man had greater courage when armed with the truth than did A. G. Freed, and no man wrought greater victories for the truth in discussion than did Brother Freed. He was kind, but emphatic, in his discussion. His great love for the truth of God led him to have no mercy on error. The church of our Lord in many places has rejoiced through the victories won in discussion by Brother Freed.
A. G. Freed was a great man. He served his fellow man as a teacher and as a preacher of the gospel. Many young men and young women owe their success, in a large measure, to the help and encouragement which Brother Freed gave them. Brother Freed's greatness is not to be measured by the ordinary standards of man; his greatness is to be measured by the good that he did. No man can be truly good without being great, and no man can be truly great without being good. Brother Freed was a good man, and, therefore, a great man. If we should measure his greatness by the number of people that he has helped, it would be difficult to find a greater man than A. G. Freed. He encouraged and inspired thousands of young men and young' women to aspire to a nobler life in the service of man and of God. He started hundreds of gospel preachers to work in the vineyard of the Lord and trained them for the greatest usefulness as preachers of the gospel. The cause of Christ and Christian education in the South have made greater progress because of the consecration and labors of Brother Freed.
Brother Freed was an educated, Christian gentleman. He was gentle in nature; he had a poetic nature; he loved poetry and music. He was humble and kind; few could excel him in gentleness and kindness. It seems that he was a very Chesterfield in courtesy. He had the polish that graces one in society and makes one a charming companion and friend. He was loyal to the right and to his friends. The writer has been blessed by the close association of three great men-David Lipscomb, E. A. Elam, and A. G. Freed. The writer has labored years with each of these great men and has received rich blessings through close association with them. From D. Lipscomb the writer learned the rugged truths of the Bible and received encouragement which strengthened his faith in the word of God; through the association with E. A. Elam he learned to appreciate more the value of loyalty to the word of God and service in the name of Christ; and through the association with Brother Freed he learned some of those finer graces of soul culture which adorn the Christian life. He thanks God for the influence of these three great men.
Brother Freed's last days were spent in suffering, but without complaint. His conflict with death, as it respect bodily affliction, was truly hard; but his soul appeared be happy in the conflict. No one ever witnessed such resignation and Christian fortitude as were displayed by Brother Freed. He was reduced in flesh and must have experienced great pain, but no murmur or complaint was ever heard from his lip. On the contrary, when asked how he was, he always replied that he was doing well. He never lost that gracious smile which had adorned his life. On November 11, 1931, his peaceful spirit left his emaciated body and went to Him who gave it. He passed away all he had lived, hopeful and peaceful. Human society is richer and better because Brother Freed has lived.
-H. Leo Boles, Gospel Advocate, December 10, 1931, page 1544.
Brother Freed As A Fellow Teacher
For eight years Brother Freed was my colleague on the faculty of David Lipscomb College. I had opportunity to observe him in action many times. That I should form some kind of impression of him was inevitable. The one which I formed was filled with high esteem.
Once a week throughout the school year it was his practice to deliver a lecture when the students and teachers were assembled for worship, announcements, and general instruction or inspiration. By appointment, which all members of the faculty understood, Brother Freed had his regular day to speak. In his lectures to the school assembly he did some excellent teaching. Some of the qualities which strongly marked his character showed themselves during those addresses.
As has been often remarked by others and by me, he was a man of unfailing courtesy. His admiration for courtesy as a principle of conduct and character was revealed in some of his "chapel talks." A number of times he told of a visit he once made to the home of Alice and Phoebe Cary and of a motto by which they lived. Their adopted motto, which he sought to impress upon the memory of the students by having them repeat it in unison, was: "We make it an invariable rule to be courteous to everyone, no matter what infirmity he suffers nor what garb he wears." To that motto or principle Brother Freed conformed his life. He was courteous to an unusual degree.
Although he was principal of the high school and dean of the college, and, therefore, my superior on the teaching staff, he never made the slightest attempt to be autocratic or dictatorial toward me or my work as teacher of English. All of my relations with him were pleasant. It seemed to me that sometimes he would take me into his confidence. I do not mean that he ever asked or received advice from me concerning any momentous problem. But what he said was just enough to cause me to appreciate his attitude and to feel that he was truly my friend.
He was, I think, a gentleman and a Christian. I have written these lines in honor to his memory because I felt that in so doing my own spirit would receive a blessing.
—R.P. Cuff, Gospel Advocate, December 10, 1931, page 1545
Back To TopResolutions On The Passing Of Brother Freed
Whereas, Divine Providence has taken from us our coworker, Brother A. G. Freed, a gentleman and a Christian of the noblest type, highly respected and beloved by us.
And whereas, in his going we feel that our loss is great; Be it resolved, That the faculty of David Lipscomb College express its appreciation of Brother Freed to his family, and its sympathy in this time of sorrow; And be it further resolved, That these resolutions be spread upon the minutes of the faculty, and that copies be furnished to the college paper, The Babbler, and to the Gospel Advocate.
Resolutions Committee.
—Gospel Advocate, December 10, 1931, page 1545
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My Ideal Of A Man
No other character has ever touched my life for good to the extent that Brother A. G. Freed has. It was my privilege to spend four years in David Lipscomb College under him, beginning in 1923. These four years I consider the greatest years of my life thus far; and even though the environment of David Lipscomb College is such as to influence and develop Christian character, and while I learned to love every member of the faculty and shall ever think of each one as a real Christian, yet the one shining star in my mental horizon was Brother A. G. Freed. I had from one to three courses under him each year while there, and I watched his godly life daily because of the admiration I had for him, and I never saw him without a smile and a kind word. He was never too busy to advise and encourage those who desired his help. His charming personality, his spirit of meekness and love, and his devotion to the cause of Christ were sources of inspiration to me.
He was scholarly and dignified, yet humble, kind, and gentle. Every day was indeed "a new beginning" with him. He saw the beauty, the pure, and the good in everything. The spirit of Christ surely characterized this noble child of God. A real hero has left us.
— by Vernon M. Spivey, Gospel Advocate, December 10, 1931, page 1545
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Words Of Sympathy.
He was a source of much inspiration to this community, and the statutes of his genuine moral character still stand in our pleasant memories of Brother Freed.—G. I. Wright and family, Pocahontas, Tenn.
Tonight's paper brings to us the news of your great bereavement. Words always seem so futile at these times, but our own tragic loss of these last few days makes me feel more keenly your sorrow. —Isabel Fitts, Jackson, Tenn.
His life was so clean and pure. I never saw Brother Freed when his dress was not immaculate, even if he had been in the schoolroom all day. No one knows the influence he has bad over hundreds. —Blanche H. Phillips, Murfreesboro, Tenn.
I regretted so much to learn of Professor Freed's passing. It came as a shock and is very hard to realize. He always appeared so healthy. Please be assured of my deepest sympathy in your bereavement. —Dorsey Hardeman, Tucson, Arizona.
You have much to comfort you. So many years spent with one who lived for others and whose influence will live on and on; and while you miss him, you have the blessed hope of a joyful meeting some day. —Elizabeth Chafin, Nashville, Tenn.
We believe that few people loved our dear Brother Freed as we did. O, he was so dear! What a comfort to feel that he surely must be in that "beautiful land above"! May God help you bear this heavy burden. —N. W. Carter and wife, Lavergne, Tenn.
If ever a man rendered perfect service to the cause of Christ, I believe that man was Brother Freed. The beauty of his worth is that the lessons he taught will always live. He impressed truths upon the hearts of his pupils that they, in turn, will pass on to other generations. —Annie Travis Davidson, Henderson, Tenn.How my heart goes out to you in sympathy! It would be folly for me to even mention his virtues, for you know them better than I. But hundreds and hundreds of people will regret to hear the sad news. We all loved you and him. Just know that I am thinking of, and praying for, you tonight. —Annie McCorkle, Cowan, Tenn.
At one place and another, wherever I go, I meet young men who have sat at Brother Freed's feet and into whose lives something of his noble character has been woven. When they lead in prayer, I catch the teacher's phrase, "just over there." And now let us rejoice in the fact that Brother Freed knows what it means to be "just over there." —A. B. Lipscomb, Valdosta, Ga.
My heart goes out in deepest sympathy to you and Martha Bell in the great loss you have sustained and the loneliness that naturally comes to you. Yet how comforting it must be to you to realize that Brother Freed has been such a blessing to so many poor boys and girls and has saved so many souls. No one can ever know how much his life meant to me and what he has done for thousands like me. —W. S. Long, Chicago, Ill.
—Gospel Advocate, December 10, 1931, page 1545.
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Funeral Flowers At The Grave Of A.G. Freed